Whitehall Mennonite Church belongs to the Mosaic Mennonite Conference which is one of 21 area conferences in the United States that forms Mennonite Church USA. Please use the links below if you like to find out more.
Ripple: This is our sister and partner congregation located in Allentown. They birthed a non-profit, Ripple Community, Inc that we support as a part of God’s mission in our community.
Mosaic Mennonite Conference: Mosaic Mennonite Conference is one of 21 conferences that comprise Mennonite Church USA, is a network of congregations, ministries, partnerships and initiatives continuing to emerge out of over 300 years of Anabaptist witness and faith in the Western Hemisphere that began in Philadelphia.
Mennonite Church USA: Mennonites are part of the larger Christian expression called Anabaptism (meaning “baptized again”). Our identity is founded in 475 years of witness since the Reformation. We enjoy a spiritual kinship with over a million Anabaptist related Christians worldwide.
Mennonite Central Committee: MCC seeks to demonstrate God’s love by working among people suffering from poverty, conflict, oppression and natural disaster. MCC sends people, food and material goods to communities recovering from war and natural disasters.
Mennonite Disaster Service: Mennonite Disaster Service is a volunteer network through which various constituencies of the Anabaptist church can respond to those affected by disasters in Canada and the United States.
Menno Media: The publishing ministry of Mennonite Church USA and Mennonite Church Canada.
Mennonite Mission Network: The mission agency of MC USA that our congregation supports.
Spruce Lake Retreat: Located in the Pocono Mountains of Pennsylvania (PA), Spruce Lake offers a Christian retreat and conference center, summer children’s and youth camp, Bible-based educational ministries and a family campground.